The six key stages to help you pass your driving test.
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The Pass Rate Statistics provided for each ADI are based on official records kept by the DVSA and do not include candidates that have taken their own car to their tests 1st April 2017 and 31st March 2024.
Richard Evens has been an ADI since 2002. He is currently a DVSA Grade A as of his last Standards Check 49 out of 51 and his pass rate is 82% between 2017 and 2024. People like learning with Richard who want to be pushed to achieve their potential without cutting any corners. His attention to detail is reflected in the amount of driver faults his pupils make per test.
William Houry has been and ADI since 2017. He has recently been awarded a high Grade B on his Standards Check 41 out of 51 and his pass rate is 72% between 2017 and 2024. People like learning with Will because he is incredibly laid back, calm and delivers constructive criticism to his pupils every time. This is reflected in the amount of Google Reviews he receives saying as much.
Ultimate Driving think most people will need 30-40 lessons without private practice.
The DVSA states 45 hours of lesson and 20 hours of private practice.
We recommend using the official DVSA Theory Test Kit App and want you to start using it ASAP. If you pass your Theory Test you MUST discuss booking a driving test on your next driving lesson to help decide when and which car you should use on the test.
Using the online driving course greatly reduces time spent on the side of the road on lessons doing briefings for each topic.
Our online driving course is designed to support your driving lessons and at the moment is for Manual Lessons. Automatic Coming Soon!
More likely to pass if you trust your instructor to manage your learning and decide with you when are ready for a test. See our pass rates above.
Won't need to rely on a supervising driver to take time out to accompany you on the test and insure your car.
Examiner has use of dual controls if needed.
Your instructor will have to be completely satisfied that you are ready for a test (more likely to pass). This is because ADI’s are monitored by DVSA and their pass rate and amount of faults pupils make can trigger a Standards Check.
Will cost 2 x Hour lessons on the day plus test fee.
Cheaper no fee to instructor on the day.
Pupils often drive their own cars more often and are therefore more confident than in their instructor's car.
Less likely to pass if your instructor has advised you are not ready. See our pass rates (compared to national average).
Need to ensure your car is legal and has interior mirror and L Plates for examiner.
Examiner has no use of dual controls.
Passing your test is great! However not everybody will have driven in bad weather, at night or on the motorway so consider getting some extra lessons to fill any gaps. If you have taken the recommended amount of lessons then you are quite likely to have covered these things!